e-TiM: Online Program
Understanding Tanach: Pshat, Midrash and Halacha

10 classes from April 21 to August 11, 2021

Beginning in the days of Rashi, great rabbis began offering peshat interpretations of biblical texts that often deviated from previous midrashic interpretations found in the gmara or in works of midrash halakhah.  In this series, each week we will study one biblical text, either a narrative or a law, where we can see the tension between these new peshat understandings and the older midrashic traditions.

There will be a 4 week break from June 16 until July 14, 2021.

Classes of Understanding Tanach: Pshat, Midrash and Halacha

Source Material

Meet the speaker

Rabbi Dr. Martin Lockshin

Rabbi Dr. Martin Lockshin is University Professor Emeritus at York University and lives in Jerusalem. He received his Ph.D. in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies from Brandeis University and his rabbinic ordination in Israel while studying in Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav Kook. Among Lockshin’s publications is his four-volume translation and annotation of Rashbam’s commentary on the Torah.

Rabbi Dr. Martin Lockshin bio & resources