Live Programs
Joseph, Esther, and Daniel
Three Approaches to Living in Exile
Rabbi Grumet will also speak as Scholar in Residence at the Or Chaim Minyan on Shabbat, March 16, on the following topics:
7:45am (Shacharit at 8:30am)
Is the Torah in Order, and What Difference Does it Make?
D’var Torah:
ריח ניחוח : What Smells so Good?
Shiur after Kiddush (Approx 11:10:pm)
The Evolution of Mordechai and Esther
5:55 pm (Mincha at 6:55pm)
Four Models of Jewish Leadership
Seudah Shlisheet:
Where Have All the Children Gone? Reflections on a Recent Survey of Graduates of Yeshiva High Schools