e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Sefer Bamidbar vs. Sefer Devarim: Confronting the Contradictions

Monday, June 8   
11:00am-12:00pm EST
Why Is Yitro "Missing" in Moshe Rabeinu's Opening Speech? 

Monday, June 15  
11:00am-12:00pm EST
Sending spies:  A Divine Command, or a Rebellious Enterprise?

Monday, June 22  
11:00am-12:00pm EST
The Duties of the Kohanim & Levi'im [Bamidbar vs. Devarim]

Monday, June 29   
11:00am-12:00pm EST
Why Can't Moshe Enter Israel? Punishment or Consequence?

Parsha podcast

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Classes of e-TiM: Sefer Bamidbar vs. Sefer Devarim: Confronting the Contradictions

Source Material

Meet the speaker

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, an internationally acclaimed bible scholar and pioneer of Jewish Education on the internet, is well known in the Jewish community for his essays on the weekly Bible portion.  His vibrant thematic-analytical approach blends the methods of modern academic scholarship with traditional Jewish approaches to the Biblical text. He is best known for his ability to teach students how to study rather than simply read Biblical passages. As his essays focus on meta-themes in the Bible, his readership

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag bio & resources