Live Programs
An Omaha Rabbi Learns Torah With Warren Buffett...and more

Sponsored by Liann Granovsky and Dan Rabinovitch in honour of the bar-mitzvah of their son Jacob.

Torah in Motion is delighted to welcome Rabbi Jonathan Gross as Scholar in Residence at the Or Chaim Minyan for Shabbat, Parshat Naso, June 3.   

After Shabbat (at 10:59pm), Rabbi Gross will offer a special presentation, Values Investing: Warren Buffet’s Strategies for Investment and for Life. (Refreshments will be served). Admission is $10 in advance, $18 at the door. Please register above. 

Meet the speaker

Rabbi Jonathan Gross

For ten years Rabbi Jonathan Gross was the Chief Rabbi of the State of Nebraska. During his tenure he revitalized a community, did business with legendary investor Warren Buffett, and revolutionized the synagogue experience.  He created, produced, and hosted Good Shabbos Nebraska, the world’s first ever, highest rated, and longest running synagogue talk show program.  He received his BA in mathematics from Yeshiva College and his rabbinic ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University.  Most recently, he

Rabbi Jonathan Gross bio & resources