“And G-d said to Abram; go from your land, your birthplace and from the home of your father” (Breisheet 12:1). Rashi…

Jewish law rules that when one must “desecrate” the Shabbat in order to save a life it is the greatest scholar present who should…

While it was Rav Yehuda Hanassi who edited the Mishna it is the teachings of Rav Meir, who lived in the generation prior, that form the basis…

“For there is no righteous person in the land who does [only] good and does not sin” (Kohelet 7:20). Sinning is part and parcel of…

One of the long standing debates in ethical theory is whether it is actions or intentions that determines the ethical probity of our actions. There…

When one thinks of the mitzvoth dependent on the land of Israel we think of the agricultural laws of the Torah; terumah, maaser, shmittaand the…

After discussing the general topic of nedarim, vows, the Mishna moves to a most specific form of a vow, that of a nazir. The…