The Jewish people had sinned, and their future stood in the balance. G-d's initial plans to destroy the people were…

"The gates of repentance are always open". Yom Kippur is predicated on the possibility of teshuva at all times for all people[1…

One of the hallmarks of the Western world is its inclusiveness. Great attempts are made to make all feel included, no matter their ability or their…

A question I have often been asked by non-observant Jews runs as follows: Since cars were not yet invented when the Torah was given, how can one…

With the beginning of selichot season (at least for Ashkenazim), we turn our thoughts to the notion of teshuva. This most difficult…

Heaven or Earth: Chagigah 6 "Three mitzvoth were the Jewish people commanded when they went up [to Jerusalem] on the festival, …

Making G-d Cry: Chagigah 5 In our last post we discussed the reasons that a number of our Sages cried. But humans are not the…

“Even though the gates of prayer are closed, the gates of tears are never closed”. With the destruction of the Temple--“the house…

Perhaps the most beautiful aspect of the Yamim Tovim, especially in Temple times, was the coming together of Jews from all walks of life to celebrate…

The mitzvah of aliyah laregel--going up to Jerusalem on Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot--was a central feature of these holidays of national…