Hassidut and the Search for Spirituality: A Panel Discussion (Part 2)

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Meet the speakers

Dr. Ada Rapoport-Albert

I am Israeli born and a permanent resident of the UK. I obtained my BA and PhD in Jewish History from University College London, where I am now Reader (Associate Professor) in Jewish History and Head (since 2002) of the department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies. I had previously taught at Oxford University's Oriental Institute, and, over the years, have held various Visiting Professorships and Research Fellowships at e.g. Harvard Divinity School, Stanford University, the University of Pennsylvania's Institute of

Dr. Ada Rapoport-Albert bio & resources

Lawrence H. Schiffman

Lawrence H. Schiffman is Chair of New York University's Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies and serves as Ethel and Irvin A. Edelman Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies. He is a member of the team that published the Dead Scrolls in the series, Discoveries in the Judean Desert . He edited the journal Dead Sea Discoveries and the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls.His publications include The Halakhah at Qumran (1975); Sectarian Law in the

Lawrence H. Schiffman bio & resources

Rabbi Bezalel Naor

Bezalel Naor is the author of several works on Kabbalah, Hasidism and Sabbatianism. These include a critical edition of the Vilna Gaon's Commentary to Siphra di-Zeni'uta; God's Middlemen: A Habad Retrospective; Post-Sabbatian Sabbatianism; and an annotated translation of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook's Orot. Most recently, Naor published From A Kabbalist's Diary: Collected Essays.

Rabbi Bezalel Naor bio & resources