Breaking Down the Walls of Stigma and Silence
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Meet the speakers

Leah Malamet
Ms. Leah Malamet holds a Masters in Clinical Psychology from the University of Toronto, and is currently completing her doctoral dissertation in Clinical Psychology in the area of attachment theory/object relations and the psychology of religion. A psychotherapist for 30 years, Ms. Malamet's work includes individual treatment of children, adolescents, and adults, as well as marital and family therapy. Her practice includes patients presenting with a wide variety of psychological difficulties and disorders [e.g, anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive behaviours, loss/bereavement, eating…

Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot
Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot is rabbi of Congregation Netivot Shalom in Teaneck, NJ and serves as Chair of the Department of Torah Shebaal Peh at SAR High School in NYC. He is coordinator of the annual community Yemei Iyun on Bible and Jewish Thought sponsored by Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School and has taught in various adult education settings throughout North America, the UK and Israel. R. Helfgot is a graduate of Yeshiva College with honors and was subsequently ordained by RIETS…