Adventures in American Judaism (Part 10): Mitzvah Merchants and the Creation of a Jewish Children's Culture

From Brachos Bees, to Gedolim Cards, the Yeshiva World has borrowed from a uniquely American-style of education to support its own children's religious growth and appreciation for religion.

Please note that this class is at 11:00 AM Eastern / 5:00pm Israel time due to the time change in the USA/Canada

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Meet the speaker

Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff

Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff is president of Gratz College. He was previously chief academic officer of Hebrew Theological College and vice provost of Touro College Illinois. A prolific scholar, he is the author or editor of nine books and more than fifty scholarly articles in the fields of Jewish Studies and American Religion. His most recent book is Authentically Orthodox: A Tradition-Bound Faith in American Life (Wayne State University Press, 2020). Zev's research in American Jewish history has received numerous awards,

Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff bio & resources